BOE Panel for Honor, le Honor MagicBook14/15 Ryzen edition e lokollotsoe.

Mantsiboeeng a la 14 Phupu, Honor MagicBook14/15 Ryzen Edition 2021 e ile ea lokolloa ka molao.Mabapi le ponahalo, khatiso ea Honor MagicBook14/15 Ryeon e na le 'mele oa tšepe o nang le botenya ba 15.9mm feela, o mosesaane ebile o bobebe.E boetse e rata banana haholo ka boima ba 1.38kg.

BOE Panel for Glory, and the Glory MagicBook

Letoto lena la skrineng sa li-notebook le etsa 87%, 'me le fetile lengolo la Jeremane Rhein Low Blue light Eye Care certification, Rhein Strobo-free Eye care certification, le National Ophthalmic Engineering Center ea tlhokomelo ea mahlo.Mokhoa oa tlhokomelo ea mahlo o sireletsa ka katleho bophelo bo botle ba mahlo a basebetsi ba li-white-collar.Honor MagicBook Rayon e boetse e tla le 1080P FHD e khahlanong le glare IPS sefahleho sa moholi se lumellang ho fetola mocheso oa 'mala o lumellanang le mahlo ka mokhoa oa tšireletso oa mahlo.

BOE Panel for Glory, and the Glory MagicBook1

Ho ea ka marang-rang a kristale ea LIQUID ea China, skrine e sireletsang mahlo e nang le lintlha tse ngata eo letoto la Honor MagicBook le tlang le eona le tsoa ho BOE.

Ha ho hlophisoa, khatiso ea Honor MagicBook14/15 Ryzen e sebelisa processor e ncha ea 7nm ryzen 5000, kaofela e tšehetsa mefuta e mengata ea likhoele, ts'ebetso ea mesebetsi e mengata, ts'ebetso ha e bapisoa le moloko o fetileng e eketsehile ka 26%.Ntle le moo, Honor MagicBook14/15 Rys e na le mohopolo o moholo oa 16GB oa li-channel tse peli le 512GB ea ts'ebetso e phahameng ea PCIe NVMe SSD, e ka ntlafatsang haholo lebelo la ho bala le ho ngola.Ho etsa hore ho palama Marang-rang ho be bonolo, sehlahisoa se secha se boetse se na le karete e se nang mohala ea Wi-Fi6 +2x2MIMO moralo oa li-antenna tse peli, lebelo le phahameng ka ho fetisisa la phetisetso ho fihla ho 2400Mbps.

Ke habohlokoa ho hlokomela hore e 'ngoe ea lintlha tsa bohlokoa tsa khatiso ea Honor MagicBook14/15 Ryzen ke tšebelisano ea eona ea li-screen tse ngata e tšehetsang "multi-window function", e ka bonoang skrineng ea PC e bulang bonyane lits'ebetso tse tharo tse ikemetseng tsa mohala oa thekeng. ka nako e ts'oanang, le ho ts'ehetsa Windows e le 'ngoe e kholo le tse peli tse nyane tse sebetsang hammoho,' me Windows e meraro e ts'ehetsa phetisetso ea litokomane tsa ho hula le ho theola, litšoantšo, joalo-joalo, "multitasking".Sena se ka sebetsa habeli, e le hore basebelisi ba ofisi tlas'a skrine ba ka hokahanngoa ho fihlela seboka sa video, ha litokomane tsa ts'ebetso li ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea ofisi le tokoloho.

BOE Panel for Glory, and the Glory MagicBook2

Nako ea poso: Jul-22-2021